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We’ve often been to a late-night outing with friends and low-and-behold we somehow don’t get let in? We somehow don’t “look the part” nor do we have the smart shoes or jacket to get in. This may be a strange start to an article, but it’s a perfect analogy to understanding SEO in general.

So, let’s start outside. You’re there facing the bitter cold and your only way in to the Pub is through the “Bouncers” at the entrance. Your website represents you, who you are and what you do. Google and all the other search engines see you as that person standing outside the pub.

“You’re not coming in looking like that!”.

Hertfordshire Web Design is the tailor that will help you look the part.

Legitimately helping you get into the pub, and recognised by search engines is what we do. The coding, the content (images, text and layout), the speed and security of your website plays the part in getting you into the Pub i.e. ranked by search engines.

Once you’re in, there’s the next hurdle, as looking the part isn’t enough to get noticed.

As with all new or established websites it’s hard to get a good reputation on your own. Organically being found and being discovered for the skillset and the good you can do is not easy. It’s solely dependent on what you say and what is said about you.

Going back to the analogy; you’ve made your way into the pub and the room is busy! How do you get recognised? How do you find your way to that person that needs your resources? In all honesty, being the person in the corner drinking on your own serves nothing but getting strange looks and miscommunications. So, what do you have going for you? Well, you have resources that depend on you, that need you in order to grow their own reputation.


These resources are the biggest “players” in the pub; Search Engines and Social Media groups. The pat on the back from Google Maps and their business directories help substantially. Additionally, FaceBook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram recognition helps your website’s popularity. Both these players depend on you being straight and honest, both these players have been working hard to filter out bogus and nefarious websites in order to better cater for their customers.

Since 2009 a massive shift towards customer and user focused experiences have made SEO developers think again on what is said to their own clients and what’s coded on their websites. Search engines have made it a requirement for SEO developers to submit relevant pages on websites so to better understand the nature of the website’s business. Understandably, any customer travelling through a badly built website tends to mistrust the service or product being sold. So, coding a website for SEO is a start, and using these resources helps, but what else?


Search Engines and Social Media groups may be the biggest players, because they’re built to champion your website. But, from the point of view of SEO, they are only resources, and “have to provide this service”. Meaning, that they play a smaller roll compared to “standard websites”.

Standard websites are the other people like you in the Pub. So, what can they do for you?

These groups are businesses and people connecting and socialising amongst themselves. Search engines see these websites as effective ranking commodities. The links and bridges they build is one of the highest-ranking scores because, it’s seen as “other websites championing other websites” autonomously.

Hertfordshire Web Design has always pushed clients to get their own website linked in articles, posts and features on other websites. This is because it helps SEO ranking vastly. Again, the more established the other website is, the bigger pat on the back you get. This is referred to as “backlinking”.


This then leads on to what your friends in the pub says about you.

Testimonials and Reviews grow your reputation. Whether these reviews are on Google, or on your own website, it doesn’t get missed by the search engines and plays a vital role in establishing your business. But, there is one other feature you must consider. Being topical.


  • You’ve used the available resources to shout about yourself so people know what you do.
  • Networked with fellow websites to show how popular you are.
  • And shown your professionalism by telling everyone how satisfied your customers are.

These techniques are the building-blocks for good traffic and better ranking.

But the life-bloody of any social environment, whether Pub, Club or Online is regularly having something relevant to say. But online, this must be maintained through writing a posts, such as this one, for instance.


We’ve used this analogy many times with our clients in the past and it’s about time we wrote about it. It has such universal appeal, as clients seem to understand why we spend some much time discussing coding and bridge-build for SEO. It just seems to work. But, in the end it’s all about getting potential clients to talk with you, ask for your advice, help and service. They need to feel they can trust your professionalism before they even pick up the phone or write that message to you, which is really what’s it’s all about.

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I measure the effectiveness of SEO efforts on my website? Are there specific metrics or tools that I should be using to track progress?

Measuring the effectiveness of SEO efforts on a website involves various metrics and tools. Metrics such as organic traffic, keyword rankings, conversion rates, and bounce rates can indicate the impact of SEO activities. Tools like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, and third-party SEO platforms provide insights into these metrics, allowing website owners to track progress over time and make informed decisions to optimize their SEO strategy.

Are there any potential risks or downsides to heavily relying on backlinking strategies for SEO? How can I ensure that my approach is ethical and compliant with search engine guidelines?

While backlinking can be a valuable strategy for improving SEO, there are potential risks associated with it. Over-reliance on low-quality or spammy backlinks can result in penalties from search engines, negatively impacting a website’s ranking. It’s crucial to focus on acquiring high-quality, relevant backlinks from reputable sources and avoid black hat SEO techniques such as buying links or engaging in link schemes. Adhering to search engine guidelines and prioritizing organic link building through genuine relationships and valuable content can help mitigate these risks.

What are some common mistakes that businesses make when attempting to improve their SEO, and how can these be avoided or rectified?

Common mistakes in SEO efforts often stem from misunderstandings or misapplications of best practices. These can include keyword stuffing, neglecting technical SEO aspects such as site speed and mobile optimization, and failing to regularly update and maintain content. To avoid these pitfalls, businesses should prioritize a holistic approach to SEO that encompasses content quality, technical optimization, and user experience. Regular audits and analysis of SEO performance can help identify areas for improvement and ensure that strategies align with current best practices and search engine algorithms.

Daniel Desta

Author Daniel Desta

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